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Un CD-ROM bootable Fedora Core avec les applications multimédia
Fedora Core on Epia M10000
English version of the bootable Fedora Core CD with PVR software
After several years of using my hush as a PVR running Linux and VDR Kadischi, a new Fedora Core project gives me the chance to make a version that is Epia specific.
We are closely tracking the openChrome project (this is the unichrome opensource driver with hardware MPEG2 acceleration). One day there will be an explanation of the history behind open source unichrome drivers here.
We are using a modified kernel from Fedora Core kernel source now that it has up to date VIA DRI and DVB modules.
The version of we are using is from rpms by Xavier Bachelot. We will be tracking his updates closely.
Other software inclides VDR - a PVR for digital television, xine media player and vdr-xine plugin, lirc (Linux Infrared Remote Control) and other multimedia software as we see fit. We will be providing up to date links to all the sources we will be using.
Software will be provided in conformance with EU law. This means that some of the software we include may be illegal outside the EU - please take this into consideration when using these instructions.
All information is based on the user having access to either DVB-T or DVB-S mpeg2 free to air streams. It is our experience that encrypted streams that require a CI are best watched using the content providors set top box. So called budget cards are our primary source for DVB-S and USB adaptors for DVB-T.
We will devote some time to describing how to record programs to DVD once captured and saved on your hard drive.
Choosing IR remote control devices using either the USB or serial ports is another hardware topic.
Last of all we will look at streaming video to other computers over wireless network connections and output to the screen.