<%@page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*"%> <%@ include file="Connections/library.jsp" %> <% // *** Edit Operations: declare variables // set the form action variable String MM_editAction = request.getRequestURI(); if (request.getQueryString() != null && request.getQueryString().length() > 0) { MM_editAction += "?" + request.getQueryString(); } // connection information String MM_editDriver = null, MM_editConnection = null, MM_editUserName = null, MM_editPassword = null; // redirect information String MM_editRedirectUrl = null; // query string to execute StringBuffer MM_editQuery = null; // boolean to abort record edit boolean MM_abortEdit = false; // table information String MM_editTable = null, MM_editColumn = null, MM_recordId = null; // form field information String[] MM_fields = null, MM_columns = null; %> <% // *** Delete Record: construct a sql delete statement and execute it if (request.getParameter("MM_delete") != null && request.getParameter("MM_recordId") != null) { MM_editDriver = MM_library_DRIVER; MM_editConnection = MM_library_STRING; MM_editUserName = MM_library_USERNAME; MM_editPassword = MM_library_PASSWORD; MM_editTable = "refere_a"; MM_editColumn = "artiste_id"; MM_recordId = "" + request.getParameter("MM_recordId") + ""; MM_editRedirectUrl = ""; // append the query string to the redirect URL if (MM_editRedirectUrl.length() != 0 && request.getQueryString() != null) { MM_editRedirectUrl += ((MM_editRedirectUrl.indexOf('?') == -1)?"?":"&") + request.getQueryString(); } } %> <% // *** Delete Record: construct a sql delete statement and execute it if (request.getParameter("MM_delete") != null && request.getParameter("MM_recordId") != null) { // create the delete sql statement MM_editQuery = new StringBuffer("delete from ").append(MM_editTable); MM_editQuery.append(" where ").append(MM_editColumn).append(" = ").append(MM_recordId); if (!MM_abortEdit) { // finish the sql and execute it Driver MM_driver = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_editDriver).newInstance(); Connection MM_connection = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_editConnection,MM_editUserName,MM_editPassword); PreparedStatement MM_editStatement = MM_connection.prepareStatement(MM_editQuery.toString()); MM_editStatement.executeUpdate(); MM_connection.close(); // redirect with URL parameters if (MM_editRedirectUrl.length() != 0) { response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(MM_editRedirectUrl)); } } } %> <% String artiste__MMColParam = "1"; if (request.getParameter("artiste_id") !=null) {artiste__MMColParam = (String)request.getParameter("artiste_id");} %> <% Driver Driverartiste = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_library_DRIVER).newInstance(); Connection Connartiste = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_library_STRING,MM_library_USERNAME,MM_library_PASSWORD); PreparedStatement Statementartiste = Connartiste.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM refere_a WHERE artiste_id = " + artiste__MMColParam + ""); ResultSet artiste = Statementartiste.executeQuery(); boolean artiste_isEmpty = !artiste.next(); boolean artiste_hasData = !artiste_isEmpty; Object artiste_data; int artiste_numRows = 0; %> Supprime artiste

  Supprimer un artiste
<% if (!artiste_isEmpty ) { %> <% } /* end !artiste_isEmpty */ %>
<%=(((artiste_data = artiste.getObject("document_id"))==null || artiste.wasNull())?"":artiste_data)%>   <%=(((artiste_data = artiste.getObject("artiste_id"))==null || artiste.wasNull())?"":artiste_data)%>
<% artiste.close(); Connartiste.close(); %>